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Preservation and storage at the Sheba cord blood bank

Taburit has exclusive rights for marketing the family (private) and public cord blood bank owned by Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer. The partnership between Taburit and Sheba Medical Center enables the promotion of the cord blood bank vision.

Taburit and Sheba Medical Center have a joint aim of promoting the cord blood bank vision. The Sheba cord blood bank houses both a family cord blood bank and a public cord blood bank. Everybody has the right to decide whether to store their children’s cord blood unit at the family cord blood bank for the child and family or to donate it for the benefit of the public.

At the Sheba cord blood bank, the family and the public, cord blood preservation is carried out by a single laboratory team under identical conditions in accordance with the Israeli cord blood law (FACT-NetCord standard), the NMDP and AABB standards.

The family (private) cord blood bank: At the Sheba family cord blood bank, cord blood units are stored specifically for personal use by the owner of the unit and/or his or her family. Every personal cord blood unit has an insurance policy covering the costs in case its owner needs to use it. The insurance policy cover may be extended to include the entire family.

The leading Israeli center in stem cell transplantations

At the Sheba Medical Center, successful cord blood transplantations have been performed during the last few years in patients with malignant or hereditary diseases, using units that were stored at the Sheba cord blood bank.

The Sheba cord blood bank is the first and the largest in Israel, and one of the most advanced worldwide. The bank, headed by Professor Arnon Nagler – Director of Hematology at the Medical Center, a world-renowned specialist and scientist in the fields of stem cell transplantation in general, and cord blood stem cell transplantation in particular. Prof. Nagler is a member of Taburit’s Scientific Board.

The European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) stated in the European summary report for 2006: “Sheba is leading the way in the field of bone marrow transplantations in Israel, and is one of the leading centers in Europe.” The report also indicated the tremendous increase in the use of cord blood, as well as the fact that Sheba is the most experienced Israeli center in transplantations of this type. The department headed by Prof. Nagler was the first in Israel to complete a procedure of cord blood transplantation in adults using cord blood of two different donors, with great success.

The bank is equipped with the most sophisticated and modern equipment. Cord blood samples designated for either public or private use are cryopreserved and processed at the bank in accordance with international criteria and standards.

Sheba cord blood bank operates in accordance with FACT-NetCord standard, as required by the Israeli cord blood law. The bank is a member of the National Marrow Donor Program – NMDP – an American organization for allogeneic transplantations, and is the second bank in Europe to become a member of this organization. In addition, the bank is accredited by, and a member of, the American Association of Blood Banks – AABB.

The Sheba cord blood bank has been a source of cord blood grafts for stem cell transplants which were completed successfully in Israel and abroad, including the US.

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Taburit, Israel's largest cord blood bank, provides services of cord blood collection, preservation of the stem cells isolated from it and their insurance. Taburit operates in collaboration with Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer. Preservation of cord blood at Taburit is carried out in accordance with stringent international standards. Taburit is committed to high quality in procedures of collection and preservation of cord blood derived from the umbilical cord of the newborn.